* Básnické zbierky
* _Songs in the Smoke:Poems_ (Many Trails Press, 1971)
* _The Whispering Wind_ (Many Trails Press, 1977)
* _Mesiac v miske vody_ (Many Trails Press, 1985)
* _From the Roots of Love and Hate:Collected Poems_ (Many Trails Press, 2005)
* Antológie
* _Songs from This Earth on Turtle's Back:Contemporary American Indian Poetry_ (Thunder's Mouth Press, 1983)
* _The Remembered Earth:Anthology of Contemporary Native American Literature_ (University of New Mexico Press, 1984)
* _Reinventing the Enemy's Language:Contemporary Native Women's Spisy of North America_ (W. W. Norton &Company, 1997)
* Príspevky do literárnych časopisov a žurnálov
* _The American Indian Quarterly_
* _The Greenfield Review_
* _The Journal of American Indian Education_
* _Národ_
* _Prairie Schooner_
* Eseje
* "Americkí Indiáni a životné prostredie:perspektíva" (_Životné prostredie:veda a politika pre trvalo udržateľný rozvoj_ jar 1992)
* „O tom, ako byť domorodým Američanom a ženou“ (_The American Indian Quarterly_ Winter 1994)