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Čo napísal autor Ken Liska?


* Spálená zem (1980)

* Dom na kopci (1981)

* The Nightcrawler (1982)

* The Lurker in the Shadows (1983)

* The Watcher in the Woods (1984)

* The Haunting of Hill House (1985)

* The Shining (1986)

* Pet Sematary (1987)

* The Stand (1988)

* Mizéria (1989)

Krátke príbehy:

* "Nočná smena" (1978)

* "Salem's Lot" (1975)

* "Slnečný pes" (1980)

* "Bežúci muž" (1982)

* "Skeleton Crew" (1985)

* "Four Past Midnight" (1990)

* "Zúfalstvo" (1996)

* "Bag of Bones" (1998)

* "Duma Key" (2008)

* "11/22/63" (2011)

Literatúra faktu:

* Danse Macabre (1983)

* O písaní (2000)


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