* The book of poetry "Krysie hniezdo" (1964)
* The book of poetry "Svet podľa Alzbetky" (1968)
* The collection of short stories Návrat starej dámy (1968)
* The book of poetry "Dom úzkosti" (1969)
* The collection of short stories "Sladké časy s Pepíčkom" (1969)
* The book of poetry "Svetlo za mrežami" (1971)
* The collection of short stories "Svedomité dievča" (1973)
* The collection of short stories Sviatok matiek (1974)
* The book of poetry "Báseň pre Evu Kantorkovú" (1976)
* The collection of short stories "Priateľka" (1977)
* The collection of short stories Trinásta komnata (1978)
* The book of poetry "Dnes nie je vhodný deň" (1979)
* The book of poetry "Žena ako rieka" (1981)
* The collection of short stories "Tiché miesta" (1982)
* The book of poetry "Cudzia izba" (1983)
* The collection of short stories Tri grácie (1984)
* The book of poetry "Dom na pobreží" (1986)
* The collection of short stories "Na úteku" (1987)
* The book of poetry "Žena ako strom" (1988)
* The collection of short stories "Kľúče od neba" (1989)
* The book of poetry "Hlasy" (1991)
* The collection of short stories "Sny navždy" (1992)
* The book of poetry "Zrkadlá" (1993)
* The collection of short stories Prízraky (1994)
* The book of poetry "Nebo nad hlavou" (1995)
* The collection of short stories "Hranice" (1996)
* The book of poetry "Vietor v karmínovom lese" (1997)
* The collection of short stories "Izba pre dvoch" (1998)
* The book of poetry "Hviezdy v tráve" (1999)
* The collection of short stories "Cesty" (2000)
* The book of poetry "Svetlo pod kožou" (2001)
* The collection of short stories Domy (2002)
* The book of poetry "Čierny kôň" (2003)
* The collection of short stories "Ostrovy" (2004)
* The book of poetry "Biely motýľ" (2005)
* The collection of short stories Záhrady (2006)
* The book of poetry "Čierna pani" (2007)
* The collection of short stories "Strom života" (2008)
* The book of poetry "Piesne noci" (2009)