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Čo napísal autor F T Dry?


* _The Reluctant Knight_ (1970)

* _Rebellion in the Midlands_ (1980)

*_The Book of Kells_ (1984)

*_Kráľova dcéra_ (1988)

* _Dlhý meč_ (1991)

*_The Forest King_ (1994)

*_The Knights of Camelot_ (1997)

*_The Shadow of the Raven_ (2000)

*_The Last of the Druids_ (2003)

*_The Lion of Ireland_ (2006)

Literatúra faktu:

*_Príbeh Írska_ (1982)

*_Vikingovia v Írsku_ (1988)

* _The High Kings of Ireland_ (1994)

* _Keltský svet_ (1998)

* _The Age of Arthur_ (2001)

* _História Írska_ (2004)

* _Tudorovci v Írsku_ (2007)

* _Stuartovci v Írsku_ (2010)

* _Hannoveri v Írsku_ (2013)

* _Británi v Írsku_ (2016)


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