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Čo napísala autorka Harriet Hicks Miller?


*Žena v čiernom* (1983)

- *Vlastníctvo* (1990)

- *The Birdwatcher* (1992)

*Čoho sa anjeli obávajú* (1994)

- *The Essence of the Night* (1998)

- *The House at Riverton* (2003)

- *Súkromný pacient* (2008)

- *The Other House* (2012)

- *The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel* (2016)

- *The Bone Garden* (2020)

Zbierky poviedok:

- *The Company of the Dead* (1994)

- *Micawber:Tales of Detection* (2005)

- *Strangers:And Other Stories* (2011)

- *Haunted:Collected Ghost Stories* (2013)

Detské knihy:

- *The Tales of Mrs. Whistler* (1995)

- *Daisy Bates vo Veľkej vojne* (2009)


- *A Stranger Here Below* (2016)


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