* Čierna ruža (1908)
*Nevesta ikony (1911)
* The House of Whispers (1913)
*The Clutch of Circustance (1914)
*Krajina, na ktorú čas zabudol (1924)
* Srdce ženy (1927)
*The Painted Desert (1929)
*The Veiled Lady (1932)
*Cesta do nikam (1934)
*Dom na kopci (1937)
*Stín minulosti (1940)
*The Phantom Lady (1942)
*The House of Secrets (1944)
*Žena v okne (1946)
*Tvár v zrkadle (1948)
*The Mask of the Unknown (1950)
*Prípad nezvestnej dedičky (1952)
*The Secret of Redgate Castle (1954)
*Fantóm opery (1956)
*The Mystery of the Blue Room (1958)
*The Curse of the Werewolf (1960)
*The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1962)
* Bezhlavý jazdec (1964)
*Podivný prípad Dr. Jekylla a pána Hyda (1966)
*The Turn of the Screw (1968)
*Obraz Doriana Graya (1970)
*Dracula (1972)
*Frankenstein (1974)
*The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1976)
*The Wolf Man (1978)
*Múmia (1980)
*Neviditeľný muž (1982)
*Nevesta Frankensteina (1984)
*The Son of Frankenstein (1986)
*The Ghost of Frankenstein (1988)
*Neviditeľná žena (1990)
*The Mad Doctor of Blood Island (1992)
*The Horror of Dracula (1994)
*The Curse of Frankenstein (1996)
*Frankensteinova pomsta (1998)
*The House of Frankenstein (2000)
*Abbott a Costello sa stretávajú s Frankensteinom (2002)
*Vlčí muž sa vracia (2004)
* Hrob múmie (2006)
*The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (2008)
*Fantóm opery (2010)
*The Lodger:A Story of the London Fog (2012)
*Muž, ktorý sa smeje (2014)
*Hrbáč z Notre Dame (2016)
*Fantóm opery (2018)
*Obraz Doriana Graya (2020)
*Dracula (2022)
* "Čierna ruža" (1908)
* "Nevesta ikony" (1911)
* "The House of Whispers" (1913)
* "Clutch of Circumstance" (1914)
* „Krajina, na ktorú čas zabudol“ (1924)
* "Srdce ženy" (1927)
* "Maľovaná púšť" (1929)
* "The Veiled Lady" (1932)
* "Cesta do nikam" (1934)
* "Dom na kopci" (1937)
* "Tieň minulosti" (1940)
* "The Phantom Lady" (1942)
* "The House of Secrets" (1944)
* "Žena v okne" (1946)
* "Tvár v zrkadle" (1948)
* "Maska neznáma" (1950)
* "Prípad nezvestnej dedičky" (1952)
* "Tajomstvo hradu Redgate" (1954)
* "Fantóm opery" (1956)
* "Záhada modrej izby" (1958)
* Prekliatie vlkolaka (1960)
* "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1962)
* "Bezhlavý jazdec" (1964)
* "Podivný prípad Dr. Jekylla a pána Hyda" (1966)
* "The Turn of the Screw" (1968)
* "Obraz Doriana Graya" (1970)
* "Dracula" (1972)
* "Frankenstein" (1974)
* "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" (1976)
* "The Wolf Man" (1978)
* "Múmia" (1980)
* "Neviditeľný muž" (1982)
* "Nevesta Frankensteina" (1984)
* "Syn Frankensteina" (1986)
* "Ghost of Frankenstein" (1988)
* "Neviditeľná žena" (1990)
* "The Mad Doctor of Blood Island" (1992)
* "Horor of Dracula" (1994)
* "Prekliatie Frankensteina" (1996