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Čo napísala autorka Karen Lingertat?


- *Sin of Omission* (2009)

- *Sladká slečna Lily* (2009)

- *The Perfect Plan* (2009)

- *The Sweet Spot* (2009)

- *The Perfect Score* (2010)

- *Zbytočná drsnosť* (2010)

- *The Perfect Touch* (2011)

- *All In* (2012)

- *The Perfect Escape* (2013)

- *The Perfect Match* (2014)

- *The Perfect Storm* (2015)

- *The Perfect Lie* (2016)

- *The Perfect Game* (2017)

- *The Perfect Love* (2018)

- *The Perfect Holiday* (2019)

- *The Perfect Christmas* (2019)


- *The Perfect Date* (2011)

- *The Perfect Gift* (2012)

- *The Perfect Vacation* (2013)

- *The Perfect Weekend* (2014)

- *The Perfect Moment* (2015)

- *The Perfect Anniversary* (2016)

- *The Perfect Birthday* (2017)

- *Dokonalý Valentín* ​​(2018)

- *Dokonalý deň matiek* (2019)

- *Dokonalý Deň otcov* (2020)


- "Dokonalý recept" (2010)

- "The Perfect Song" (2011)

- Dokonalý úsmev (2012)

- "The Perfect Dress" (2013)

- "The Perfect Hair" (2014)

- "Dokonalý make-up" (2015)

- "Dokonalé nechty" (2016)

- "The Perfect Shoes" (2017)

- "The Perfect Jewelry" (2018)

- "Dokonalá kabelka" (2019)


- *Kolekcia Perfect Romance* (2010)

- *The Perfect Holiday Collection* (2011)

- *The Perfect Wedding Collection* (2012)

- *The Perfect Baby Collection* (2013)

- *The Perfect Family Collection* (2014)

- *The Perfect Friends Collection* (2015)

- *The Perfect Pets Collection* (2016)

- *Kolekcia The Perfect Home* (2017)

- *The Perfect Travel Collection* (2018)

- *The Perfect Food Collection* (2019)

Literatúra faktu

- *Váš dokonalý život:Hľadanie šťastia a úspechu vlastným spôsobom* (2018)


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