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Čo napísal autor David L Niddrie?


* Druhá strana (1977)

* Boh na strome (1978)

* Keď padajú stromy (1980)

* The Summer of the Heron (1983)

* Brat Eagle, sestra Sky (1986)

* Spirit River (1988)

* Zimná záhrada (1991)

* Tanec pre dva hlasy (1993)

* Kruh svetla (1996)

* Songs of the River (2001)

* The Last Rainbow (2005)

* The Hummingbirds' Gift (2009)

* The Shaman's Apprentice (2013)

Literatúra faktu:

* The Nature of America:A Documentary History (1985)

* The Native American Almanach:A Portrait of Native America Today (1990)

* Native American Wisdom:Teachings from the Elders (1993)

* The Encyclopedia of Native American People:Cultures, History, and Traditions (2000)

* Indiánske národy Severnej Ameriky:História (2004)

* Staroveká Amerika (2007)

* The First Peoples:The Native American Origins of the United States (2011)

* História domorodých Američanov pre figuríny (2014)

* Indiánsky folklór pre nechápavých (2015)

* Indiánska mytológia pre figuríny (2016)

Detské knihy:

* Where the Buffalo Roam (1990)

* Salmon Boy:A Legend of the Northwest Coast (1992)

* Dievča, ktoré milovalo divoké kone (1994)

* The Talking Earth:Native American Voices of Wisdom and Prophecy (1995)

* Skywoman:Legend of the Iroquois (1997)

* Coyote:A Trickster Tale from the Native Peoples of the Americas (1998)

* Raven:A Trickster Tale from the Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest (1999)

* The Earth on Turtle's Back:Native American Stories of Creation (2000)

* The First Strawberries:A Cherokee Story (2001)

* The Legend of the Salmon:A Native American Tale (2002)

* The Gift of the Sacred Dog:A Native American Story (2003)

* Lapač snov:Príbeh domorodých Američanov (2004)

* Dievča, ktoré milovalo divoké kone:indiánska legenda (2005)

* The Talking Earth:Native American Voices of Wisdom and Prophecy (2006)

* The First Strawberries:A Cherokee Story (2007)

* The Legend of the Salmon:A Native American Tale (2008)

* The Gift of the Sacred Dog:A Native American Story (2009)

* Lapač snov:Príbeh domorodých Američanov (2010)

Iné diela:

* Domorodí Američania:Ilustrovaná história (1990)

* The National Geographic Book of Native America (1992)

* The National Audubon Society First Field Guide to North American Trees (2004)

* The Book of Native American Wisdom (2006)

* Kniha proroctiev domorodých Američanov (2008)

* The Book of Native American Legends (2010)


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