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Čo napísal autor Ben Wuyts?


* Kniha hviezd (1994)

* The House of Winds (1996)

* The Children of the Sky (1998)

* Pieseň stromov (2000)

* Volanie mora (2002)

* The Gift of the Fire (2004)

* Svetlo Mesiaca (2006)

* The Power of the Sun (2008)

* The Love of the Earth (2010)

* Múdrosť srdca (2012)

Krátke príbehy

* "Posledná pieseň" (1994)

* "The Stargazer" (1996)

* "The Windrider" (1998)

* "The Skydancer" (2000)

* "Námorník" (2002)

* "The Firestarter" (2004)

* "The Moonwalker" (2006)

* "The Sunsinger" (2008)

* "The Earthkeeper" (2010)

* "The Heartmender" (2012)


* "Piesne hviezd" (1994)

* "Whispers of the Wind" (1996)

* "Echoes of the Sky" (1998)

* "Dreams of the Sea" (2000)

* "Visions of the Fire" (2002)

* "Odrazy Mesiaca" (2006)

* "Rytmy slnka" (2008)

* "Harmony of the Earth" (2010)

* "Symfónia srdca" (2012)


* "O písaní" (2006)

* "O čítaní" (2008)

* "O kreativite" (2010)

* "O prírode" (2012)

Iné diela

* "Čítateľ Bena Wuytsa" (2014)

* Pokladnica Ben Wuyts (2016)

* „Kolekcia Bena Wuytsa“ (2018)


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