* The Girl in the Painting (2022)
* The Things She Left Behind (2021)
* Dievča zo skla (2021)
* Vážená pani Birdová (2020)
* The Red Door (2019)
* Dom na Willow Street (2019)
* Posledný domov (2018)
* Shadow Child (2018)
* V hlbokej vode (2017)
* The Forgotten Promise (2016)
* Hľadá sa Layla (2016)
* Každé posledné tajomstvo (2016)
* Tajomstvo mojej sestry (2015)
* The Pakt (2014)
* Perfect Lives (2014)
* V tme (2014)
* The Forgotten Girl (2014)
* Tajomstvo jej sestry (2014)
* Uvidíme sa čoskoro (2013)
* Tajomstvá v tichu (2013)
* One Last Secret (2012)
* Za zatvorenými dverami (2012)
Detské knihy:
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Island Adventure (2021)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Mermaid Cove (2021)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Puppy Paradise (2020)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Fairy Magic (2020)
* Dobrodružstvá Lily Grace:Rainbow Dreams (2019)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Butterfly House (2018)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Treasure Trail (2017)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Unicorn Mountain (2017)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Candy Land (2016)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Dinosaur Discovery (2016)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Space Expedition (2015)
* Dobrodružstvá Lily Grace:Morský svet (2015)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Princess Castle (2015)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Animal Park (2015)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Jungle Safari (2014)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Magic Circus (2014)
* Dobrodružstvá Lily Grace:Krajina hračiek (2014)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Fairy Garden (2014)
* The Adventures of Lily Grace:Flower Show (2014)
Krátke príbehy:
* The Forgotten Girl (2014)
* The Pergamen Girl (2014)
* The Promise (2014)
* Tajomstvo (2014)