- "Thomas Bewick:Ilustrátor, prírodovedec a rytec" (1942)
- "História britského rytia" (1952)
- "Päť storočí farebnej tlače" (1967)
- "John Buckland Wright, rytec" (1974)
- "The Prints of William Camden Edwards" (1976)
- "Drevorytina Edwarda Calverta" (1981)
- "Lepty Herkula Brabazon Brabazon" (1985)
- "Rytiny Samuela Palmera" (1990)
- "Ilustrácie Beatrix Potterovej" (1994)
- "The Engravings of Thomas Bewick" (The Print Collector's Quarterly, 1930)
- "Niektoré rytiny od Johna Bewicka" (The Print Collector's Quarterly, 1932)
- "Drevorytiny Thomasa Bewicka" (The Fleuron, 1932)
- "Farebná tlač zo začiatku devätnásteho storočia" (The Print Collector's Quarterly, 1933)
- "Mezzotinty Davida Lucasa" (The Print Collector's Quarterly, 1934)
- "Rytiny Roberta Havla, Jr." (The Print Collector's Quarterly, 1935)
- "The Etchings of James Abbott McNeill Whistler" (The Print Collector's Quarterly, 1936)
- "Farebná tlač v Londýne pred Veľkou výstavou" (Knižnica, 1960)
- "The Engravings of William Holman Hunt" (The Burlington Magazine, 1960)
- "Litografie Josepha Mallorda Williama Turnera" (The Burlington Magazine, 1961)