* The Undreamed (2012)
* Sen červeného kráľa (2013)
* When the Sparrow Falls (2015)
* Biela pieseň (2016)
* The Drowning Shadow (2021)
* The Shadowed Path (2014)
* The Hollow Girl (2017)
Krátke príbehy:
* "Tiene minulosti" (2011)
* "Cena ticha" (2012)
* "Echoes of Tomorrow" (2013)
* Svetlo vo vnútri (2014)
* "The Darkness Rising" (2015)
* The Unmarked Chronicles:The Blackthorn Key (so Sarah Ash) (2017)
* The Unmarked Chronicles:The Silver Serpent (so Sarah Ash) (2018)
* The Unmarked Chronicles:The Obsidian Crown (so Sarah Ash) (2019)