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Čo napísal autor Raymond James Kupke?


* Posledná misia (2009)

* Redemption:A Time of Reckoning (2011)

* Prišiel čas (2014)

* The Armageddon Conspiracy (2016)

* Koniec dní (2018)


* "Death's Door" (2012)

* "The Final Stand" (2013)

* "Posledná nádej" (2014)

* "Deň, kedy sa skončil svet" (2015)

* "The Aftermath" (2016)

Naučné knihy

* The Apocalypse:Príprava na koniec dní (2008)

* Surviving the Tribulation:A Guide for the Faithful (2010)

* The Rapture:What You Need to Know (2012)

* The Second Coming:Signs and Wonders of the End Times (2014)

* The Antikrist:The Final Enemy (2016)


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