* The Devil's Teeth (2005)
* The Boatman's Daughter (2006)
* The Bone Orchard (2008)
* Dievča, ktoré by nezomrelo (2010)
* The Haunting of Maddy Clare (2012)
* Hodina čarodejníc (2014)
* Trinásta hodina (2016)
* Kniha mŕtvych (2018)
* The House of Shadows (2020)
* Hodina vlka (2022)
* "Červená izba" (2004)
* "Bledá dáma" (2005)
* "Čierny pes" (2006)
* "Biely kôň" (2007)
* "Zelený muž" (2008)
* "The Blue Boy" (2009)
* "Žltá tapeta" (2010)
* "The Tell-Tale Heart" (2011)
* "The Cask of Amontillado" (2012)
* "Maska červenej smrti" (2013)
Literatúra faktu
* The Supernatural Reader:Guide to the Best Ghost Stories, horor novels and other desing Reading (2011)
* Strašidelný dom:História a sprievodca po najstrašnejších domovoch sveta (2013)
* The Vampire:A History and Guide to the World's Mysterious Creatures (2015)
* The Werewolf:A History and Guide to the world's most děsivé stvorenia (2017)
* Čarodejnica:História a sprievodca najmocnejšími ženami sveta (2019)