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Čo napísal autor Charles Comly Norris?


- _No Heroes:One Soldier's Memoir of the Real Iraq_ (2022)

- _American Carnage:On the Front Lines of the Republican Civil War and the Second Assassination of John F. Kennedy_ (2021)

- _A Line in the Sand:One Soldier's Year on the Afgan Frontlines_ (2015)

- _Bagdad po vlnách:Život na uliciach po vlnách - a čo to pre nás znamená_ (2012)

- _Crazy in Iraq &Back:PTSD:Life After War-and Recovery Through Civilian Life._ (2016)

Písanie v časopisoch a online

Jeho práca sa objavila v New York Times, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, Foreign Policy, Newsweek,, Esquire, Men's Journal, Mother Jones, Outside, Time magazine, Vanity Fair, National Geographic Online, GQ, The Nation , Mother Jones,, Salon, Politico, TheHill, Raw Story, Democracy NOW!-TV a rozhlasové vysielanie, C-SPAN a Current TV/Al Jazeera English TV vysielanie/internetová TV show a na CNN TV


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