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Čo napísal autor Mervyn Harris?


- *Jakubov rebrík* (1949)

- *The Coatrack* (1951)

*The Sleepers* (1954)

- *Celodenná sobota* (1960)

- *The Tennis Player* (1962)

- *The Island of the Madonna* (1963)

- *The Stans of Wickedness* (1965)

- *Deň papagája* (1967)

- *The Garden of Eden* (1969)

- *The Field of the Stranger* (1971)

- *The Old Trade* (1973)

- *Posledné veci* (1975)

- *A Kind of Justice* (1978)

- *The Edenic Syndrome* (1979)

- *The Absence of a Hero* (1981)

- *The Inner Room* (1983)

- *The Palace* (1985)

- Triumph of the Sacred Heart* (1987)

- *The Temple* (1990)

- *The Palace of Eternity* (1992)

- *The Presence* (1995)

- *The Absence* (1997)

- *The Void* (1999)

- *The Darkness* (2001)

- *The Light* (2003)

- *The Silence* (2005)

- *The Word* (2007)

- *The Voice* (2010)

Literatúra faktu:

- *The Seven Seas:A History in Paintings and Text* (1969)

- *Svet Shakespeara:História obrazov a textu* (1970)

- *The World of Michelangelo:A History in Paintings and Text* (1971)

- *Svet Leonarda da Vinciho:História obrazov a textu* (1972)

- *The World of Rembrandt:A History in Paintings and Text* (1973)

- *The World of Van Gogh:A History in Paintings and Text* (1974)

- *Picassov svet:História obrazov a textu* (1975)

- *Svet Dalího:História v obrazoch a texte* (1976)

- *The World of Chagall:A History in Paintings and Text* (1977)

- *The World of Monet:A History in Paintings and Text* (1978)

- *Svet Cézanna:História obrazov a textu* (1979)

- *The World of Gauguin:A History in Paintings and Text* (1980)

- *Matissov svet:História v maľbách a texte* (1981)

- *Svet Kandinského:História v maľbách a texte* (1982)

- *The World of Klee:A History in Paintings and Text* (1983)


- Garland pre básnikov (1951)

- *The Burning Veil* (1954)

- *The Song of the Vine* (1960)

- *The Garden of Delight* (1963)

- *The Triumph of the Sun* (1967)

- *The Dance of the Seasons* (1970)

- *Kruh života* (1973)

- *Cesta hviezd* (1976)

- *Strom života* (1979)

- *The Flower of Light* (1982)

- *The Song of the Rose* (1985)

- *The Book of Shadows* (1988)

- *The Gates of Paradise* (1991)

- *The Crystal Palace* (1994)

- *The City of the Sun* (1997)

- *The Garden of Eternity* (2000)

- *The Paradise Within* (2003)

- *Kráľovstvo nebeské* (2006)

- *The Vision of God* (2008)

- *Večné svetlo* (2011)

Detské knihy:

- *The Little Red Hen* (1951)

- *The Three Little Pigs* (1952)

- *Vlk a sedem detí* (1953)

- *The Story of Chicken Licken* (1954)

- *Päť čínskych bratov* (1955)

- *The Elves and the Shoemaker* (1956)

- *The Gingerbread Boy* (1957)

- *The Tale of Peter Rabbit* (1958)

- *Popoluška* (1959)

*Snehulienka a sedem trpaslíkov* (1960)

- *Šípková Ruženka* (1961)

- *Červená čiapočka* (1962)

- *Pinocchio* (1963)

- *Dumbo* (1964)

- *Ferdinand the Bull* (1965)

- Korytnačka a zajac (1966)

- *Škaredé káčatko* (1967)

- *The Bremen Town Musicians* (1968)

- Kocúr v čižmách (1969)

- *Jack and the Beanstalk* (1970)

- *Alice's Adventures in Wonderland* (1971)

- *Through the Looking Glass* (1972)

- *Peter Pan* (1973)

- *Ostrov pokladov* (1974)

- *Huckleberry Finn* (1975)

- *Oliver Twist* (1976)

- *A Tale of Two Cities* (1977)

- *Great Expectations* (1978)

- *David Copperfield* (1979)

- *Jane Eyre* (1980)

- *Wuthering Heights* (1981)

- *Pýcha a predsudok* (1982)

- *Emma od Jane Austenovej* (1983)

- *Vikár z Wakefieldu Olivera Goldsmitha* (1984)

- *Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe* (1985)

- *Vianočná koleda od Charlesa Dickensa* (1986)

- *Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass* (1987)

- *Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories* (1988)

- *H.G. Wellsov Stroj času* (1989)

- *Ostrov pokladov Roberta Louisa Stevensona* (1990)

- *Dobrodružstvá Huckleberryho Finna od Marka Twaina* (1991)

- *Dvadsaťtisíc míľ pod morom Julesa Verna* (1992)

- *Gulliverove cesty Jonathana Swifta* (1993)

- *Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe* (1994)

- *Don Quijote od Miguela de Cervantesa* (1995)

- *Frankenstein Mary Shelleyovej* (1996)

- *Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales* (1997)

- *Homerova Ilias a Odysea* (1998)

- *Danteho Alighieriho Božská komédia* (1999)

- *William Shakespeare's Complete Works* (2000)

- Stratený raj Johna Miltona (2001)

- *Slovník anglického jazyka Samuela Johnsona* (2002)

- *James Boswell's The Life of Samuel Johnson* (2003)

- *Úvahy Edmunda Burkea o revolúcii vo Francúzsku* (2004)

- *Potvrdenie práv ženy od Mary Wollstonecraftovej* (2005)

- *Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man* (2006)

- *Thomas Jefferson's The Declaration of Independence* (2007)

- *Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack* (2008)

- *The Federalist Papers Alexandra Hamiltona* (2009)

- *Prejav Georgea Washingtona na rozlúčku* (2010)

- *Adresa Abrahama Lincolna v Gettysburgu* (2011)


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