- _Light from a Strange Land_ (2008)
- _The Uncommon Threads of Hope_ (2009)
- _The Threads That Run So True_ (2010)
- _The Forgotten Winds_ (2011)
- _Nekonečné nebo_ (2012)
- _Through a Glass Darkly_ (2013)
- _Beneath a Marble Moon_ (2014)
- _The Hidden Side of Truth_ (2015)
- _Keď Hope Whispers_ (2016)
- _Where Rivers Flow Deep_ (2017)
- _Tajomstvo výrobcu sviečok_ (2018)
- _The Lost Melody_ (2018)
- _The Watchmaker's Daughter_ (2018)
- _The Secret Garden of Ivy House_ (2018)
- _Nevesta strážcu svetla_ (2018)
- _Zimná ruža_ (2018)
- _The Forgotten Songbird_ (2019)
Krátke príbehy:
- "Love's Melody" (2018)
- "Dar zo srdca" (2018)
- "Vianočné želanie" (2018)
- Jarný prísľub (2019)
- "Svetlo priateľstva" (2019)
Literatúra faktu:
- _Beyond the Veil:True Stories of Inspiration, Encouragement and Hope_ (2016)