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Čo napísala autorka Beryl Baigent?


* _This Time Tomorrow_ (1941)

* _All In Good Time_ (1942)

* _Tomorrow’s Harvest_ (1944)

*_The Running Tide_ (1945)

* _Common Grain_ (1947)

* _Zlatá slamka_ (1950)

* _Passionate Voyager_ (1952)

*_Young Adventure_ (1954)

* _The Marriage of Melisande_ (1960)

* _Mesiac v Škorpiónovi_ (1970)

* _The Love Child_ (1972)

* _Child of Storms_ (1975)

* _The Snow Leopard_ (1977)

* _Divoká extáza_ (1978)

* _The Lightning's Twin_ (1979)

* _The Rivers of Paradise_ (1980)

* _Zakázané mesto_ (1981)

* _Siedma sila_ (1982)

* _The Lost Ones_ (1983)

*_Temný kontinent_ (1984)

* _The Fires of Paradise_ (1985)

* _The Eye in the Sky_ (1986)

* _Heartless_ (1987)

*_Dcéra bohov_ (1990)

*_The Song of the Siren_ (1991)

* _Dom na útese_ (1992)

*_Posledný kráľ raja_ (1993)

* _The Garden of Eden_ (1994)

* _The City of Atlantis_ (1995)

*_Krajina života_ (1997)

* _The Garden of the Gods_ (1999)

*_The Children of the Sun_ (2000)

*_Mesto mŕtvych_ (2002)

* _The Palace of the Winds_ (2004)

*_The Temple of the Moon_ (2006)

* _The Gates of Paradise_ (2007)

*_Posledné dni Atlantídy_ (2010)

Krátke príbehy

*_The Lady_ (1938)

*_The Old Man_ (1938)

*_The Girl_ (1938)

*_Dieťa_ (1938)

*_The Man_ (1938)

* _The Woman_ (1938)

*_The Stranger_ (1939)

*_Nepriateľ_ (1939)

* _Priateľ_ (1940)

*_The Lover_ (1940)

* _Manžel_ (1941)

*_The Wife_ (1941)

*_Otec_ (1942)

*_Matka_ (1942)

*_The Son_ (1943)

*_Dcéra_ (1944)

*_The Brother_ (1945)

*_The Sister_ (1946)

*_The Grandparents_ (1947)

* _The Children_ (1950)

*_The Family_ (1960)

Literatúra faktu

* _A Book of Australian Verse_ (1956, editoval Kenneth Slessor)

* _The Penguin Book of Australian Verse_ (1961, upravené)

* _Moderná austrálska poézia_ (1964)

* _Súčasná austrálska poézia_ (1969, upravené)

* _The Oxford Book of Australian Verse_ (1986, upravené)


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