* Život muchy (1970)
* Z krajiny tieňov (1981)
* Keď rieky tečú na sever (1990)
* Hlboko v lese (1996)
* The Spirit Mountain Medicine Wheel (2010)
Krátke príbehy:
* "The Medicine Man" (1974)
* "The Death Song of a Crow" (1976)
* "The Owl's Gift" (1982)
* "The Bear's Embrace" (1985)
* "Buffalo's Dance" (1988)
* "Vlčie vytie" (1991)
* "The Eagle's Flight" (1993)
* "The Salmon's Journey" (1995)
* Prechádzka korytnačky (1998)
* "The Deer's Run" (2000)
* "Bobria priehrada" (2002)
* "The Rabbit's Burrow" (2004)
* "Líščí brloh" (2006)
* "The Raccoon's Tree" (2008)
* "The Skunk's Den" (2010)
* „Múdrosť starších Indiánov“ (1984)
* "Sila lapača snov" (1992)
* "The Medicine Wheel:A Sacred Symbol" (1997)
* "The Native American Sweat Lodge" (2001)
* "The Native American Sun Dance" (2003)
* "The Native American Vision Quest" (2005)