* The Orchard (2003)
* The Nowhere City (2005)
* Pilgrim's Rest (2008)
* V meste slepých (2010)
* Poistka (2012)
* The Falling of the Grain (2014)
* The Deep End (2016)
* The Night Country (2018)
* The Last Sparrow (2020)
Literatúra faktu:
* The Lonely City:Adventures in the Art of Being Alone (2017)
Krátke príbehy:
* "The Orchard" (2002)
* "The Nowhere City" (2004)
* "Pilgrim's Rest" (2007)
* "V meste slepých" (2009)
* "Poistka" (2011)
* "The Falling of the Grain" (2013)
* "The Deep End" (2015)
* "Nočná krajina" (2017)
* "Posledný vrabec" (2019)
* „O umení byť sám“ (2016)
* "Mesto ako miesto osamelosti" (2017)
* „Hľadanie zmyslu v osamelom svete“ (2018)
* "Budúcnosť osamelosti" (2019)
* The Somerset Maugham Award (2004)
* The Costa Book Award (2008)
* Orwellova cena (2010)
* Cena Folio (2012)
* The James Tait Black Memorial Prize (2014)
* The Goldsmiths Prize (2016)
* The National Book Critics Circle Award (2018)
* Pulitzerova cena za beletriu (2020)