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Čo napísal autor J T Morrow?


* The Last Witchdoctor (2006)

* The Way of the Knife (2011)

* Dead Harvest (2012)

* The People of the Sand (2013)

* Kontinent deviatej pečate (2015)

* Takto sa končí svet (2017)

Zbierky poviedok:

* Shambling Towards Hiroshima (2001)

* Zbierka (2011)

* The Apocalyptic Box:Expanded Edition (2014)

* To najlepšie od J.T. MORROW (2020)

Grafické romány:

* Deus Ex Machina (2010)

* The Chronicles of the Five Elements (2011 – 2012)

* The Chronicles of the Five Elements:Volume Two (2013)


* The Asylum of Dr. Caligari (2012)

* Gotický dom hrôzy (2013)

* The Beast Inside (2014)

* The House on the Borderland (2015)

* Prípadová kniha Dr. Caligariho (2017)

Filmové adaptácie:

* The Last Witchdoctor (2015)

* The Way of the Knife (TBA)


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