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Čo napísal autor Robert B Chiasson?


* The Burning Proof (1997)

* The Silent Brotherhood (1998)

* Tiene v mesačnom svetle (2001)

* After the Madness (2003)

* Pekelný dom (2005)

* The Omega Conspiracy (2007)

* The Doomsday Prophecy (2008)

* The Judas Covenant (2009)

* The Lazarus Conspiracy (2010)

* The Armageddon Code (2012)

Literatúra faktu

* The Vatican Cover-Up (1997)

* The Da Vinci Legacy (2006)

* The Templar Revelation (2008)

* Tajomstvá Iluminátov (2010)

* Proroctvo pápežov (2012)


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