* The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (1963)
* Iná stránka Boba Dylana (1964)
* Bringing It All Back Home (1965)
* Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
* Blondínka na blond (1966)
* John Wesley Harding (1967)
* Panoráma Nashvillu (1969)
* Autoportrét (1970)
* Nové ráno (1970)
* Pat Garrett a Billy the Kid (1973)
* Dylan (1973)
* Planet Waves (1974)
* Blood on the Tracks (1975)
* The Basement Tapes (1975)
* Desire (1976)
* Street-Legal (1978)
* Pomalý vlak prichádza (1979)
* Uložené (1980)
* Shot of Love (1981)
* Neveriaci (1983)
* Empire Burlesque (1985)
* Knocked Out Loaded (1986)
* Oh Mercy (1989)
* Under the Red Sky (1990)
* Good as I Been to You (1992)
* World Gone Wrong (1993)
* Time Out of Mind (1997)
* "Láska a krádež" (2001)
* Moderná doba (2006)
* Spolu životom (2009)
* Vianoce v srdci (2009)
* Tempest (2012)
* Tiene v noci (2015)
* Fallen Angels (2016)
* Triplikát (2017)
* Rough and Rowdy Ways (2020)