* 11. hodina (2007)
* Pozemšťania (2005)
* Fast Food Nation (2006)
* The Fast and the Furious:Tokyo Drift (2006)
* Hmla (2005)
* Štyria bratia (2005)
* The Goonies (1985)
* Grimm Love (1996)
* Myslím, že milujem svoju manželku (2007)
* Joyride (2001)
* La Mission (2009)
* Lords of Dogtown (2005)
* Miracle Mile (1988)
* Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
* Notoricky známy (2009)
* The Rundown (2003)
* Tri pohreby Melquiades Estrada (2005)
* The Wrestler (2008)
* The Shield (2007)
* Sons of Anarchy (2008 – 2013)
* The Vampire Diaries (2010)
* Southland (2009-2013)
* The Bridge (2013)
* Gracepoint (2014)
* Strelec (2016 – 2018)
* Narcos:Mexiko (2020)