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Čo napísal autor Dylan S Morgan?


* Posledný syn (2008)

* Špina:román (2009)

* The Revenant (2009)

* Blindsided (2011)

* Fallen (2012)

* Zmizol (2013)

* Zrada (2014)

* Reckoning (2015)

* Rituál (2016)

* The Gift (2017)

* The Fall (2018)

* The Rising (2019)

* The Awakening (2020)

* The Forgotten (2021)

* The Reckoning (2022)

* The Redemption (2022)


* The Lost (2007)

* The Hunt (2009)

* Útek (2011)

* The Chase (2013)

* The Fight (2014)

* The Search (2016)

* The Rescue (2018)

* Návrat (2019)

* The Reunion (2020)

* The Revenge (2022)

* The Release (2023)


* "The Woodsman" (2008)

* "The Haunting of Cabin 13" (2010)

* "Noc mŕtvych" (2011)

* "Dievča v okne" (2012)

* "The Hollow Man" (2013)

* "The Beast of the Dark" (2014)

* "The Call of the Void" (2015)

* "The Whispers in the Shadows" (2016)

* "Tajomstvá hlbín" (2017)

* "The Curse of the Scarecrow" (2018)

* "Tiene minulosti" (2019)

* „Cena vykúpenia“ (2020)

* "Posledná nádej" (2021)

* "Nepokojný duch" (2022)


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