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Čo napísal autor James Farragher Campbell?


* The Riddle-Master of Hed (1976)

* The Heir to Sea and Fire (1978)

* The Coming of the Demons (1979)

* Deň nesúladu (1980)

* Bojovník žije! (1981)

* The First Clash of the Clans (1983)

* The First Heroes (1984)

* Krištáľová koruna (1986)

* The Last Song of the Earth (1987)

* Drak v snehu (1989)

* The Tower of the Ravens (1990)

* Bitka o Zlatú planinu (1992)

* The Great Quest (1994)

* Návrat hrdinov (1996)

* The Final Call (1998)

* Temná krížová výprava (2000)

* Svetlo bohov (2002)

* Koniec sveta (2004)

Krátke príbehy:

* "The Shadow of the Moon" (1976)

* "The Sword and the Sorceress" (1976)

* "Amulet moci" (1976)

* "The Castle of Shadows" (1976)

* "Ohnivý prsteň" (1976)

* "The Eye of the Storm" (1976)

* "Posledná bitka bohov" (1976)


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