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Čo napísala autorka Leila Linhares Barsted?


* "Crossing Fates" (Crossing Fates, 2011)

* "Flowers of Shadow" (Flowers of Shadow, 2013)

* "Slnko za mrakmi" (The Sun Behind the Clouds, 2016)

* "The Seamstress's Daughter" (The Seamstress's Daughter, 2018)

* "Vôňa poľných kvetov" (The Fragrance of Wildflowers, 2019)

Zbierky poviedok:

* "Midnight Tales" (Midnight Tales, 2015)

Detské knihy:

* "Dievča a drak" (The Girl and the Dragon, 2012)

* "Chlapec, ktorý stratil hlas" (The Boy Who Lost His Voice, 2014)

* "Začarovaná princezná" (The Enchanted Princess, 2016)

Literatúra faktu:

* "The Power of Gratitude" (The Power of Gratitude, 2017)

* „Cesta k úspechu“ (The Road to Success, 2019)


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