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Čo napísal autor Henning Jepsen?


- _Siblings_ (1995)

- _Hrôzy v Herrenovom dome_ (1997)

- _Breakthrough_ (1999)

- _The Dream of Copenhagen_ (2001)

- _The Iron Bow_ (2003)

- _The Abyss_ (2005)

- _Bridges of Dreams_ (2007)

- _The Inner Black Sun_ (2009)

- _Siedme nebo_ (2011)

- _The Repeated Ones_ (2013)

- _Dark Angel_ (2015)

- _Mary's Heart_ (2017)

Literatúra faktu:

- _Journey to the Center of the World_ (2003)

- _Nebo nad nami_ (2006)

- _The Living_ (2009)

- _Kärleken do Gud_ (2011, švédčina)

- _Láska k Bohu_ (2012, dánčina)

- _Príbeh Dánov_ (2015, s Thomasom Harderom)

- _Repeats_ (2017)


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