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Čo napísala autorka Brigitte Musche?

Brigitte Musche (*1947) je nemecký spisovateľ a prekladateľ. Medzi jej diela patrí:

- *The Island of the Yellow Birds* (The Island of the Yellow Birds, 2005)

- *The Sky Over Zanzibar* (The Sky Over Zanzibar, 2010)

- *The House of the Seven Daughters* (The House of the Seven Daughters, 2011)

- *Vôňa Zanzibaru* (The Fragrance of Zanzibar, 2012)

- *Tajomstvo bielych Masajov* (2013)

- *Ženy Zanzibaru* (Ženy Zanzibaru, 2014)

- *The Pearl Diver of Zanzibar* (The Pearl Diver of Zanzibar, 2015)

- *Biely Masaj a čierny leopard* (The White Masai and the Black Leopard, 2016)

- *The Song of the Masai* (2017)

- *The Call of the Shaman* (The Call of the Shaman, 2019)


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