* Úplný čierny mág (2014)
* The Sword of Shadows (2014)
* Dragonshadow (2017)
* The Last Enchanter (2018)
* Vojna nesmrteľných (2019)
* The Wrath of Ash and Shadow (2021)
* The Curse of the Iron Witch (2022)
* Kameň tieňa (2015)
* The Lost Blade (2016)
* Krištáľová koruna (2016)
* Temný amulet (2017)
* The Forbidden Scroll (2018)
* Prekliaty kalich (2019)
* Otrávené srdce (2020)
* The Soul-Bound dýka (2022)
* "The Blacksmith's Apprentice" (2014)
* "Dračí brloh" (2014)
* "Čarodejníkova veža" (2015)
* "The Necromancer's Apprentice" (2016)
* "The Vampire's Kiss" (2017)
* "The Werewolf's How" (2018)
* "Ghoul's Fest" (2019)
* "Sirénova pieseň" (2020)
* "The Banshee's Wail" (2021)
Literatúra faktu
* Ako napísať fantastický román (2015)
* The Art of World-Building (2016)
* Tajomstvá tvorby postáv (2017)
* The Elements of Plot and Pacing (2018)
* The Keys to Dialogue and Description (2019)
* The Magic of Editing and Revision (2020)
* The Business of Publishing (2021)
* Budúcnosť fantázie (2022)