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Čo napísal autor Stanley Sandler?


• „The Apartment“ (Tor, 2003) 

• “Mesto na konci času (Tor, 2006) 

• „The God Box“ (s Allenom M. Steelom, Tor, 2009) 

• „Vynález pamäte“ (Tor, 2011) 

• „Klapauciove protokoly“ (Tor, 2013)

• Vraždy pri okrúhlom stole Algonquin (Baen, 2014)

• „Time Blender“ (Tor, 2015)

• „The Game-Player“ (Tor, 2017)

• „Veľké sprisahanie vreckových hodiniek Abrahama Lincolna“ (Tor, 2019)

• „The Quantum Connection“ (Tor, 2021)

Literatúra faktu

• „The Right Way to Write“ (Wildside Press, 1995)

• „Sandler on Success:How Any Can Succeed“ (Sandler Publishing, 1996)

• „Writing Fiction For Dummies“ (IDG Books, 1997) 

• „Finding the Right Words“ (Sv. Martin, 1999) 

• „The Six Word Story:Writing Tiny Fiction“ (Writer’s Digest Books, 2000)


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