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Čo napísal autor Brian Hillerby?


- _Spider Moon_ (1992)

- _Blood Moon_ (1993)

- _Lunar Eclipse_ (1994)

- _Total Eclipse_ (1995)

- _Apocalypse 2000_ (1996)

- _Ice Station_ (1998)

- _Operation Red Jericho_ (1999)

- _The Lazarus Strain_ (2000)

- _The Osiris Conspiracy_ (2001)

- _Smernica Omega_ (2002)

- _The Armageddon Strain_ (2003)

- _The Eden Virus_ (2004)

- _The Satan Strain_ (2005)

- _Agenda Armageddon_ (2006)

- _The Lucifer Deception_ (2007)

- _Apophisovo proroctvo_ (2008)

- _The Omega Conspiracy_ (2009)

- _Mayský kódex_ (2010)

- _Aztécka apokalypsa_ (2011)

- _Proroctvo Inkov_ (2012)

- _Stratené mesto_ (2013)

- _Sedem smrteľných hriechov_ (2014)

- _Desať prikázaní_ (2015)

- _The Four Horsemen_ (2016)

- _The Apocalypse Revelation_ (2017)

- _Súdny deň_ (2018)

Literatúra faktu:

- _Skutočná história konca sveta_ (1996)

- _The Secret History of the Reptilians_ (2000)

- _UFOs and Aliens_ (2002)

- _Paranormal Encounters_ (2004)

- _Konšpiračné teórie_ (2006)

- _Urban Legends_ (2008)

- _Fortean Phenomena_ (2010)

- _The Mysterious World of the Occult_ (2012)


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