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Čo napísal Alan Bessette?


* The Mildenhall Treasure (2007)

* Veža (2010)

* The Dying Breath (2014)

* The Strangers We Know (2016)

* The Vannished (2020)

* Mŕtva krajina (2023)

Naučné knihy:

* Once and Future Great Lakes Country:An Ecological History (1998, spoluautor s Williamom E. Bluhmom)

* Great Lakes:An Environmental History (2004)

* Metropola prírody:Chicago a Veľký západ (2008)

Knihy pre deti:

* The Great Lakes Conspiracy:A Mystery Adventure (2011)

* The Great Lakes Treasure Hunt:A Mystery Adventure (2013)

* The Great Lakes Shipwreck Mystery:A Mystery Adventure (2015)


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