* _A Fine Line_ (1995)
* _The Mistress of Riversong_ (1998)
*_The Winds and the Waves_ (2000)
* _The Silver Rose_ (2003)
*_The Fire Dancer_ (2005)
* _The Indigo Road_ (2007)
* _Beneath a Blue Moon_ (2010)
*_The Lady of Ravenwood_ (2012)
* _Secrets of Willow Hall_ (2014)
*_The Daughters of Willowbrook Hall_ (2016)
* _The Daughters of Rosehill Manor_ (2018)
* _The Daughter of Willow Cottage_ (2019)
* _Vianoce podľa knihy:Zbierka príbehov_ (2015, s Julie Klassenovou a Vanessou Rileyovou)
* _A Midwinter's Promise_ (2017, s Tessou Afshar a Karen Witemeyer)
* _The Christmas Spirit:Stories for the Season_ (2020, s Elizabeth Camden a Rachel Hauck)
* _The Christmas Wish_ (2011)
*_The Angel and the Soldier_ (2012)
* _Secrets Under the Sand_ (2013)
*_A Season of Hope_ (2014)
* _The Secret of Willow Tree Hall_ (2015)
*_Tajomstvo srdca_ (2016)
*_The Secret of the Songbird_ (2017)
*_Tajomstvo ruže_ (2018)
*_The Secret of the Lily_ (2019)
*_The Secret of the Garden_ (2020)
* „Vianočný zázrak“ (2010, antológia _Christmas Blessings_)
* „Vianočné tajomstvo“ (2011, antológia _Decembrová nevesta_)
* "Vianočný sľub" (2012, antológia _Vianočný prísľub_)
* "Vianočná hviezda" (2013, antológia _A Christmas Star_)
* "A Christmas Joy" (2014, antológia _A Christmas Joy_)
* „Vianočný anjel“ (2015, antológia _A Christmas Angel_)
* "Vianočné srdce" (2016, antológia _A Christmas Heart_)
* „Vianočná láska“ (2017, antológia _A Christmas Love_)
* „Vianočná nádej“ (2018, antológia _A Christmas Hope_)
* "A Christmas Grace" (2019, antológia _A Christmas Grace_)
* "A Christmas Peace" (2020, antológia _A Christmas Peace_)