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Čo napísal autor Oscar Halle?


* _V dome králika_ (2007)

* _The Book of Altmann:A Román_ (2011)

* _Plumber's Apprentice:A Román_ (2015)

* _Knižnica mŕtvych_ (2021)

Krátka fikcia

* _The Hungry Ghosts_ (2010)

* _The Rabbit's House:13 Tales of Mystery_ (2013)

* _The Library of the Dead:Volume One_ (2020)

Literatúra faktu

* _Umenie poznámky pod čiarou_ (2018)

Upravené antológie

* _The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories by Women_ (2018)

* _The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories_ (2020)


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