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Čo napísal autor Jochen Prien?


* V roku draka (1996)

* Čierna Madonna (1998)

* The Mercenaries (2000)

* The Marked Ones (2002)

* Bratstvo (2004)

* The Conspiracy (2006)

* The Apocalypse (2008)

* Rozsudok, 2010

* The Destruction, 2012

* The Redemption (2014)

Krátke príbehy:

* Posledná česť (1997)

* The Death of the Dragon (1999)

* Tajomstvo Čiernej Madony (2001)

* The Revenge of the Mercenaries, 2003

* The Legacy of the Marked Ones, 2005

* The Mission of the Brotherhood (2007)

* The Plot of the Conspiracy, 2009

* The Omen of the Apocalypse (2011)

* Verdikt rozsudku, 2013

* The Battle of Destruction (2015)

Literatúra faktu:

* Cesta k moci (1994)

* História draka (1995)

* Tajomstvá Čiernej Madony (1997)

* The Legends of the Mercenaries (1999)

* The Myths of the Marked Ones, 2001

* The Rituals of the Brotherhood (2003)

* The Prophecies of the Conspiracy (2005)

* Varovania pred apokalypsou, 2007

* The Messages of the Judgment, 2009

* The Visions of Destruction, 2011

* Nádeje vykúpenia, 2013


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