- The Dress Shop of Dreams (2021)
- In the Shadow of the Flame (2018)
- Čo ťa nezabije (2016)
- The Secret Hours (2015)
- No Reason to Hide (2014)
- Jej posledný dych (2013)
- Dead Ringer (2012)
- The Hush (2011)
- Ruka, ktorá ťa kŕmi (2010)
- Tiché hlasy (2009)
- Tichá dcéra (2007)
- Deep Water (2006)
- Nikto nevie (2005)
- The Final Betrayal (2004)
- What Becomes of the Broken Hearted (2003)
Literatúra faktu:
- The Cinderellas of Kábul:The Real Story of the Afganian Girl' School (s Elaine M. Smith, 2009)