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Čo napísal Alan Pittwood?


* The Orpheus Trail (2008)

* The Atlantis Key (2009)

* The Alexander Cipher (2010)

* Mayské sprisahanie (2011)

* The Judas Strain (2012)

* Diablov kódex (2013)

* Faktor Omega (2014)

* Projekt Pandora (2015)

* Proroctvo o Lazarovi (2016)

* The Orion Legacy (2017)

* The Merlin Enigma (2018)

* Kleopatrin kódex (2019)

* The Da Vinci Legacy (2020)

* Stratená archa (2021)

Literatúra faktu:

* Tajný život Dr. Watsona (2007)

* Tajná história Sherlocka Holmesa (2011)

* Úplný Sherlock Holmes (2012)

* Encyklopédia Sherlocka Holmesa (2014)

* Spoločník Sherlocka Holmesa (2016)


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