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Čo napísal autor Victor J Papanek?


* _Design for the Real World:Human Ecology and Social Change_ (1971)

* _Ako veci nefungujú_ (1977)

* _The Green Imperative:Natural Design for the Real World_ (1995)

* _Design for Human Scale_ (1983)

* _Politika dizajnu_ (1985)

* _Kočovný nábytok_ (1984)

* _Thoughtless_ (1985)

* _The Imperfect Designer:Reflections on Design and Humanity_ (2017)


* „Skutočný problém s dizajnom“ (_The New York Times_, 1980)

* „Design for the Other 90 %“ (_ID Magazine_, 1991)

* "Budúcnosť dizajnu" (_Harvard Design Magazine_, 1993)

* "Dizajn a rozvojový svet" (_Design Issues_, 1995)

* „Sedem smrteľných hriechov dizajnu“ (_Industrial Design_, 1997)

* "Dizajn a sociálne zmeny" (_The Journal of Design History_, 1999)

* „Význam dizajnu“ (_The New York Times_, 2000)

Prednášky a besedy

* "Dizajn pre skutočný svet" (Yale University, 1971)

* "Politika dizajnu" (University of California, Berkeley, 1985)

* "Budúcnosť dizajnu" (Cooper-Hewitt, Národné múzeum dizajnu, 1993)

* "Design and Social Change" (University of Illinois at Chicago, 1995)

* „Sedem smrteľných hriechov dizajnu“ (Drexel University, 1997)

* „Význam dizajnu“ (New York University, 2000)


* _The Real World:Design for Human Needs_ (The Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, New York, 1971)

* _Design for the Other 90%_ (The Axis Gallery, Tokio, 1991)

* _Budúcnosť dizajnu_ (The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1993)

* _Design and Social Change_ (The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1995)

* _Sedem smrteľných hriechov dizajnu_ (The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 1997)

* _The Importance of Design_ (Múzeum moderného umenia, New York, 2000)


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