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Čo napísal autor Rodwill Clyne?


* The Dragon and the Pearl (2003)

* The Swords of Lankhmar (2004)

* The Warriors of Lankhmar (2005)

* Čarodejník z Lankhmaru (2006)

* Palác Lankhmar (2007)

* The Gates of Lankhmar (2008)

* The Moonstone of Lankhmar (2009)

* The Well of Lankhmar (2010)

* Mesto Lankhmar (2011)

* The Thieves of Lankhmar (2012)

* The Assassins of Lankhmar (2013)

* The Priests of Lankhmar (2014)

* The Gods of Lankhmar (2015)

* The Fiends of Lankhmar (2016)

* The Demons of Lankhmar (2017)

* The Devils of Lankhmar (2018)

* The Archfiends of Lankhmar (2019)

* The Dark Gods of Lankhmar (2020)

* The Chaos Gods of Lankhmar (2021)

* The Great Old Ones of Lankhmar (2022)


* "Dobrodružstvo šialeného básnika" (2004)

* "Dobrodružstvo otráveného kalicha" (2005)

* "Dobrodružstvo strateného mesta" (2006)

* "Dobrodružstvo ukradnutej relikvie" (2007)

* "Dobrodružstvo prekliatej lode" (2008)

* "Dobrodružstvo miznúceho zlodeja" (2009)

* "Dobrodružstvo zavraždeného čarodejníka" (2010)

* "Dobrodružstvo strašidelného domu" (2011)

* "Dobrodružstvo neviditeľného muža" (2012)

* "Dobrodružstvo vlkolaka" (2013)

* "Dobrodružstvo upíra" (2014)

* "Dobrodružstvo múmie" (2015)

* "Dobrodružstvo Frankensteinovej príšery" (2016)

* "The Adventure of the Ghost" (2017)

* "Dobrodružstvo démona" (2018)

* "The Adventure of the Dragon" (2019)

* "Dobrodružstvo obrov" (2020)

* "Dobrodružstvo trolla" (2021)

* "The Adventure of the Ogre" (2022)

Iné diela

* Lankhmar:Mesto dobrodružstiev (2003)

* The Lankhmar Companion (2005)

* Lankhmar:Dobrodružstvo sa začína (2006)

* Lankhmar:The City of Thieves (2008)

* Krabicový set Lankhmar:Mesto dobrodružstva (2009)

* Lankhmar:Kompletné mesto Lankhmar (2011)

* Lankhmar:The City of Adventure Game Master's Guide (2013)

* Lankhmar:The City of Adventure Player's Guide (2014)

* Prostredie kampane Lankhmar:The City of Adventure (2015)

* Lankhmar:Dobrodružná cesta do mesta (2016)

* Zdrojová kniha Lankhmar:The City of Adventure (2017)

* Lankhmar:The City of Adventure Gazetteer (2018)

* Lankhmar:Atlas mesta dobrodružstiev (2019)

* Lankhmar:The City of Adventure Bestiary (2020)

* Lankhmar:The City of Adventure Dungeon Master's Guide (2021)

* Príručka hráča Lankhmar:The City of Adventure Player (2022)


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