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Čo napísal autor Stanislaus Hafner?


* _Phantom_ (1980)

* _The Garden of the Reeds_ (1981)

* _Mesto masiek_ (1982)

* _The Tower of Silence_ (1983)

*_Labyrint_ (1984)

*_Kniha mŕtvych_ (1986)

* _Brána tajomstiev_ (1990)

*_The City of Shadows_ (1991)

*_The House of the Dead_ (1992)

*_The Temple of the Winds_ (1993)

*_Údolie kráľov_ (1994)

*_The River of Life_ (1995)

*_Strom života_ (1996)

*_The Mountain of Light_ (1997)


* "Návštevník" (1981)

* "The Dream" (1981)

* "Rituál" (1982)

* "The Offering" (1983)

* "Obeť" (1984)

* Prekliatie (1985)

* "Proroctvo" (1986)

* "Výstraha" (1987)

* "Zrada" (1988)

* "Vykúpenie" (1990)

Literatúra faktu

*_The Egyptian Mysteries:Ancient Wisdom and Sacred Science_ (1991)

* _The Quest for Immorality:The Ancient Egyptian Approach_ (1993)

* _Sedem kľúčov k sebarealizácii_ (1995)

* _The Wisdom of the Pyramids_ (1997)


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