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Čo napísal autor Walter Marti?


* Veľký sneh (1982)

* The Hallucinating World (1985)

* The Mushroom Man (1991)

* Vták, ktorý nevedel lietať, 2000

* The Night the Moons Went Out (The Night the Moons Went Out, 2004)

* Mesto kacírov (The City of Heretics, 2008)

* Krajina tieňov (The Country of Shadows, 2012)

Literatúra faktu

* Dobrodružstvo písania (The Adventure of Writing, 1992)

* Slovo a život (The Word and Life, 1997)

* Budúcnosť človeka (The Future of Man, 2002)

* Predstavivosť a realita (Imagination and Reality, 2006)

* Spiritualita a každodenný život (Spirituality and Everyday Life, 2010)

* Šťastie a zmysel života (Happiness and the Meaning of Life, 2015)


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