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Čo napísal autor Parani Suebsaeng?


* The Sins of the Father (2003)

* Dom na kopci (2005)

* The Shadow of the Wind (2006)

* The Angel's Game (2008)

* The Prisoner of Heaven (2011)

* The Secret Fire (2013)

* Labyrint duchov (2016)

Krátke príbehy:

* "Cintorín zabudnutých kníh" (2003)

* "Tieň vetra" (2005)

* "Anjelská hra" (2008)

* "The Prisoner of Heaven" (2011)

* "The Secret Fire" (2013)

* "Labyrint duchov" (2016)

Literatúra faktu:

* The Shadow of the Wind:Behind the Scenes of the Rovel (2007)

* The Angel's Game:Behind the Scenes of the Rovel (2010)

* The Prisoner of Heaven:Behind the Scenes of the Rovel (2013)

* The Secret Fire:Behind the Scenes of the Rovel (2014)

* Labyrint duchov:Zo zákulisia románu (2016)

Iné diela:

* The Shadow of the Wind (grafický román, 2011)

* The Angel's Game (grafický román, 2012)

* The Prisoner of Heaven (grafický román, 2013)


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