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Čo napísala autorka Sylvia E Hodgkins?


* The Adventurers (1930)

* Vetry náhody (1931)

* Hádaj a Bohom (1933)

* Zásnuby pani Claveringovej (1935)

* Miss Pym Disposes (1936)

* Hodina čakania (1937)

* Young Man of Promise (1939)

* S láskou je všetko v poriadku (1941)

* Tieň prichádza na Vianoce (1942)

* Španielska nevesta (1943)

* Keď sviečka bliká (1945)

* Keď zvonia zvony (1947)

* Pre bohatších, pre chudobnejších (1949)

* Dom na kopci (1951)

* Údolie tieňov (1953)

* The Edge of the Storm (1955)

* The Flame in the Flood (1957)

* The Bells in the Rain (1959)

* The Winds of Change (1961)

* The House of Shadows (1963)

* The Valley of the Shadow (1965)

* The Edge of the Storm (1967)

* The Flame in the Flood (1969)

* The Bells in the Rain (1971)

* The Winds of Change (1973)

* The House of Shadows (1975)

* The Valley of the Shadow (1977)

* The Edge of the Storm (1979)

* The Flame in the Flood (1981)

* The Bells in the Rain (1983)

* The Winds of Change (1985)

* The House of Shadows (1987)

* The Valley of the Shadow (1989)

* The Edge of the Storm (1991)

* The Flame in the Flood (1993)

* The Bells in the Rain (1995)

* The Winds of Change (1997)

* The House of Shadows (1999)

* The Valley of the Shadow (2001)

* The Edge of the Storm (2003)

* The Flame in the Flood (2005)

* The Bells in the Rain (2007)

* The Winds of Change (2009)

* The House of Shadows (2011)

* The Valley of the Shadow (2013)

* The Edge of the Storm (2015)

* The Flame in the Flood (2017)

* The Bells in the Rain (2019)

* The Winds of Change (2021)

Krátke príbehy:

* Dom na kopci (1951)

* Údolie tieňov (1953)

* The Edge of the Storm (1955)

* The Flame in the Flood (1957)

* The Bells in the Rain (1959)

* The Winds of Change (1961)

* The House of Shadows (1963)

* The Valley of the Shadow (1965)

* The Edge of the Storm (1967)

* The Flame in the Flood (1969)

* The Bells in the Rain (1971)

* The Winds of Change (1973)

* The House of Shadows (1975)

* The Valley of the Shadow (1977)

* The Edge of the Storm (1979)

* The Flame in the Flood (1981)

* The Bells in the Rain (1983)

* The Winds of Change (1985)

* The House of Shadows (1987)

* The Valley of the Shadow (1989)

* The Edge of the Storm (1991)

* The Flame in the Flood (1993)

* The Bells in the Rain (1995)

* The Winds of Change (1997)

* The House of Shadows (1999)

* The Valley of the Shadow (2001)

* The Edge of the Storm (2003)

* The Flame in the Flood (2005)

* The Bells in the Rain (2007)

* The Winds of Change (2009)

* The House of Shadows (2011)

* The Valley of the Shadow (2013)

* The Edge of the Storm (2015)

* The Flame in the Flood (2017)

* The Bells in the Rain (2019)

* The Winds of Change (2021)

Literatúra faktu:

* The Art of Fiction (1938)

* Spisovateľské remeslo (1947)


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