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Čo napísal autor Bob Christiansen?


* The Left Handed Monkey Wrench (1995)

* The Great Dinosaur Loupež (1996)

* Tajomstvo čiernej džungle (1998)

* The Mystery of the Maya Treasure (2001)

* The Riddle of the Ice-Blue Genie (2003)

* The Curse of the Emerald Scorpion (2006)

* The Peril of the Poisoned Peach (2010)

* The Danger of the Deadly Dodo (2013)

* The Threat of the Toxic Tadpole (2016)

* The Fury of the Fire Flamingo (2020)

Literatúra faktu

* The Science of Superheroes (2017)

* The Math of Magic:Numbers and the Secrets of the Universe (2019)

* The Physics of Flight:How Airplanes Fly (2021)

Ocenenie s

* Detské ceny za knihy:Beletria

* Cena Edgara Allana Poea:nominovaný


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