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Čo napísal autor Nyoman United Putra Jaya?


* "Tri príbehy" (Tri príbehy, 1937)

* „Zem ľudstva“ (This Earth of Mankind, 1940)

* "Deti všetkých národov" (Children of All Nations, 1941)

* "Pertjinta di Telaga Biru" (Láska v Modrej lagúne, 1941)

* "Pod ochranou Kaaby" (Pod ochranou Kaaby, 1949)

* "Footprints" (Stopy, 1950)

* "Zrútenie našej modlitebne, 1951"

* "Cesta domov" (The Way Home, 1952)

* "Ateista" (Ateista, 1954)

* „Panna v brlohu banditov“ (The Virgin in the Den of Bandits, 1955)

* "Potopenie Van Der Wijcka" (The Sinking of the Van Der Wijck, 1956)

* "Rozvinuté plachty" (Sails Unfurled, 1956)

* "The Foot of the Sky" (The Foot of the Sky, 1957)

* "Lov" (The Hunt, 1957)

* "Človek a kôň" (Man and Horse, 1957)

* "Ateista" (Ateista, 1957)

* "Dieťa tanečníka" (The Child of a Dancer, 1957)

* "Z dvoch vetiev" (From Two Branches, 1957)

* "Djuang" (The Struggle, 1958)

* "Priateľ" (Priateľ, 1958)

* "Spolupráca" (Collaboration, 1958)

* "The Sunset Crossing" (The Sunset Crossing, 1958)

* "Cesta srdca" (The Path of the Heart, 1959)

* "Bright Moonlight in Kaliurang" (Bright Moonlight in Kaliurang, 1959)

* "Under Uncle's Beard" (Under Uncle's Beard, 1959)

* Sklenený dom (The Glass House, 1960)

* "The Beach Girl" (The Beach Girl, 1960)

* "Mladá krv" (Young Blood, 1961)

* "Všetky moje deti" (All My Children, 1961)

* „Rohohnya Our Prayer House“ (Zrútenie našej modlitebne, 1961)

* "Na brehoch rieky Bekasi" (Na brehoch rieky Bekasi, 1962)

* "Merchant's Son" (The Traveling Merchant, 1962)

* „Tisíc svetlušiek na Manhattane“ (A Thousand Fireflies in Manhattan, 1962)


* "Tri príbehy" (Tri príbehy, 1937)

* "Zrútenie našej modlitebne, 1951"

* "The Foot of the Sky" (The Foot of the Sky, 1957)

* "Lov" (The Hunt, 1957)

* "Dieťa tanečníka" (The Child of a Dancer, 1957)

* "Z dvoch vetiev" (From Two Branches, 1957)

* "The Sunset Crossing" (The Sunset Crossing, 1958)

* "Under Uncle's Beard" (Under Uncle's Beard, 1959)

* "The Beach Girl" (The Beach Girl, 1960)

* "Na brehoch rieky Bekasi" (Na brehoch rieky Bekasi, 1962)


* "Cesta bez konca" (Cesta bez konca, 1954)

* "Ateista" (Ateista, 1957)


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