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Čo napísala autorka Jean Barre?


* _The Logbook_ (1983)

* _The Deserters_ (1984)

*_Krajina bez tieňa_ (1986)

*_The Master of the Gardens_ (1988)

*_The Wild Woman_ (1990)

* _The Light of the Hills_ (1992)

*_The Song of the World_ (1994)

*_The Son of the Sun_ (1996)

*_The Rain Girl_ (1998)

*_The Boy in the Moon_ (2000)

Literatúra faktu

* _Cesta do západnej Afriky_ (1981)

* _The Tracks of the Sahara_ (1982)

* _The Monkey Forest_ (1985)

* _The Treasures of the Nile_ (1987)

* _Pohorie Atlas_ (1989)

* _The Deserts of Arabia_ (1991)

* _Čínske moria_ (1993)

* _The Forests of the Amazon_ (1995)

* _Ladovce Antarktídy_ (1997)

* _The Volcanoes of the World_ (1999)


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