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Aké piesne spieva Jessie s radosťou?

* „I Wanna Hold Your Hand“ (The Beatles)

* "My Funny Valentine" (Richard Rodgers a Lorenz Hart)

* "Možno tentoraz" (Stephen Sondheim)

* "Sníval som sen" (Claude-Michel Schonberg, Alain Boublil a Herbert Kretzmer)

* "Môj život by bez teba bol na hovno" (Kelly Clarkson)

* "Verne" (Cesta)

* "Rolling in the Deep" (Adele)

* "The Sound of Silence" (Simon &Garfunkel)

* "Šťastný" (Pharrell Williams)

* "Podpísané, zapečatené, doručené" (Stevie Wonder)


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