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Slávne piesne 60. a 70. rokov?

Tu je niekoľko populárnych skladieb zo 60. a 70. rokov:

60. roky:

- "Chcem držať tvoju ruku" - The Beatles (1964)

- "(Nemôžem získať žiadne) satisfakcie" - The Rolling Stones (1965)

- "Like a Rolling Stone" - Bob Dylan (1965)

- "Good Vibrations" - The Beach Boys (1966)

- "Strawberry Fields Forever" - The Beatles (1967)

- "Hey Jude" - The Beatles (1968)

- "Sympathy for the Devil" - The Rolling Stones (1968)

- "Biely králik" - Jefferson Airplane (1967)

- "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" - The Fifth Dimension (1969)

- "Počul som to cez vinič" - Marvin Gaye (1968)

70. roky:

- "Predstav si" - John Lennon (1971)

- "Čo sa deje" - Marvin Gaye (1971)

- "Povera" - Stevie Wonder (1972)

- "Opri sa o mňa" - Bill Withers (1972)

- "Rocket Man" - Elton John (1972)

- "American Pie" - Don McLean (1971)

- "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen (1975)

- "Stayin' Alive" - ​​Bee Gees (1977)

- "We Are the Champions" - Queen (1977)

- "Hotel California" - The Eagles (1976)

ostatné Hudba

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