- „Chcem byť miláčikom kovboja“ od Patsy Montana (1935)
-"Cowboy Blues" od Hanka Williamsa (1948)
- "The Cattle Call" od Eddyho Arnolda (1951)
- "Ridin' Down the Canyon" od Gene Autryho (1931)
- "Ghost Riders in the Sky" od Vaughna Monroea (1948)
- "Tumbling Tumbleweeds" od Sons of the Pioneers (1934)
- "Cool Water" od Sons of the Pioneers (1941)
-"Home on the Range" od Daniela Kelleyho (1873)
-"The Old Chisholm Trail" (tradičná kovbojská pieseň)
-"Streets of Laredo" (tradičná kovbojská pieseň)